Constructed Narrative Process

   Constructed narrative is interesting in that I am not short of ideas in my head, but the ability to translate these visions into something tangible is where the difficulty lies. This week, I feel the nicest-looking shots were the ones that had the least amount of planning behind them, which seems a bit contradictory to the project. However, my final image is one that was planned out and had been in my head for quite a while. It is a narrative that I feel the need to share.

   The photograph is of my friend Malynn, who I have wanted to photograph for a while because she is very photogenic. I have known her for so long that I also felt comfortable directing her. I wanted this photograph to exude angst and exhaustion through facial expression and light. The image has my signature bright colors, but the context of them tells a different story than that of photos of a carnival. It suggests a party setting that juxtaposes the feeling of anguish in the model's face, and it allowed me to capture an internal struggle rather than just a literal subject. Three different light sources were set up to highlight areas of interest and give the final image an overall dreamy quality as well. I very much enjoyed the process of setting up the lights the way that I wanted them, and I think the end result really shows that. I think this could make an interesting series were I to pursue it further as well.


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